Casa Sensei
table top spread of dim sum and sake at casa sensei ft lauderdale
patio view along canal with dining seating and shade at casa sensei ft lauderdale
asian steak and rice dinner with drink at casa sensei ft lauderdale
upscale bar and dining interior at casa sensei ft lauderdale
sushi platter with avocado garnish at casa sensei ft lauderdale

If you’re in the mood for an immersive culinary experience that combines the flavors of Asia, then Casa Sensei is the way to go! Located on Las Olas Blvd in Fort Lauderdale, this upscale restaurant offers a unique selection of Pan-Asian dishes that will tantalize your taste buds. From sushi to dim sum to Thai curry, each dish is expertly prepared with the freshest ingredients to ensure a mouth-watering explosion of flavors. Not only is the food top-notch, but the ambiance is outstanding as well, and you can choose outdoor seating for a canal-side view. The friendly and approachable staff will make you feel welcome the moment you step in, and the decor adds an elegant touch to the dining experience. Casa Sensei is definitely worth checking out if you’re in search of the perfect Pan-Asian restaurant!

Please contact the Casa Sensei directly for current hours and pricing. Check out our See & Do Page for other fun things to do in Florida and our Deals Page for offers and coupons for Florida attractions, restaurants, shops and more.