You take your seat and buckle up. You hear the rumbling as your seat tilts back and you slowly drop down into the smoke and mist of the volcano. As your heart’s pounding and your mind is racing… then BOOOM… you’re catapulted over 360 feet into the air – straight up – reaching speeds of up to 100 mph in less than 2 seconds, then you experience weightlessness for a split second, before you free fall back towards the ground. And wait… the steel cables and giant Spring Machine then grab you and launch you straight back up to do it all over again.
The SlingShot… the most exhilarating and adrenaline pumping thrill ride in the world! No age limit, just a minimum height of 50 inches. Adrenaline Junkies Only!
Please contact SlingShot at Sunset Walk Promenade directly for current hours and pricing. Check out our See & Do Page for other fun things to do in Florida and our Deals Page for offers and coupons for Florida attractions, restaurants, shops and more.
Valid only at SlingShot at Sunset Walk Promenade and Old Town. For any paying customer. Not valid with any other offer or discount. Code: EF
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