Museum of Military History
museum interior with tank and vehicles display at museum of military history kissimmee
men sitting in an army jeep with a mounted gun at museum of military history kissimmee
a musket and a uniform in a revolutionary war exhibit at museum of military history kissimmee
mannequin in uniform holding a service weapon with a military helicopter photo at museum of military history kissimmee

Add the Museum of Military History to your Kissimmee vacation. You’ll be glad you did! Learn about military experiences from the Revolutionary War to present day. A great history lesson for the kids. A way to commemorate friends and family members who have served. And a reminder that “freedom is not free.” The Museum of Military History is about veterans and is owned by veterans. All military branches are represented as well as Buffalo Soldiers, Tuskegee Airmen, and women in the military. The Florida Vietnam Wall is displayed in the museum.

Please contact Museum of Military History directly for current hours and pricing. Check out our See & Do Page for other fun things to do in Florida and our Deals Page for offers and coupons for Florida attractions, restaurants, shops and more.